love to all of you who make with your hands, hearts, or minds...
it's been awhile since I've updated this blog...
I've been spending minutes, hours, days, months updated my other
but, this coming first friday, I will do something a little different.
I will be....SELLING art.
oh god,
does that mean free-art is pau?
in fact, it doesn't mean shit.
I will still have free stuff available, because I can keep giving and giving and giving art away , and still have some left for me..
(hi, untapped source...)
but, I will also be selling stuff and using that money to perpetuate a free-art project.
see it as a fund-raiser...(or my free-art idea selling which ever you choose.)
bye, lovers.
take some time to find out about
me, so that next time we time will be wasted.
love to you, you, and especially you in the back...ya, you're my favorite.